Game Overview/Rule Set
The objective of the game is for each team to defend their home base while simultaneously preparing to take random flag stations or complete other game objectives. The game will combine hourly home base counts coupled with hourly mission drops.
The game will pit the Red Forces against a Blue Forces
The "Blue Forces" will base out of SIM City. DZ4 be the Blue Forces primary respawn location. DZ5 will be a secondary respawn.
The "Red Forces" will base out of BRAVO. DZ8 will be the Red Forces primary respawn location. DZ2 will be the secondary respawn
BOTH teams must start the game at their HOMEBASE:
General Game Play Safety
*Eye Wear: While on the field of play all players MUST wear approved eye protection. FULL SEAL NON-MESH SAFETY GOGGLES must be worn by anyone in the playing field and chronograph/target range at all time. Only ASTM Goggle systems specifically approved for paintball that provide full face and ear protection, or full seal ASTM goggles for airsoft are allowed. Eye protection may only be removed in dead zones and when a player exits the field. * ANYONE UNDER THE AGE OF 18 MUST WEAR A PAINTBALL MASK *
*Chrono: Chrono is set as follows; All airsoft platforms must chrono at 1.55 Jouls with .32g bbs.
OPERATION REDRUM (AIRSOFT) Sniper Chrono – 2.28 Jouls with .32g Snipers must be bolt action only Snipers cannot engage indoors. Snipers are governed by a 100ft MED.
FPS will be checked by a referee or staff member before play. A gun may be checked at random during the course of the day, even during play.
Launchers/AT: 230 fps max.
Player Engagement: For OPERATION REDRUM standard Command Decisions airsoft safety rules will be in effect. Safety and fair play are the top priorities in this game. Aggressive play is encouraged, but in the end, sportsmanship must prevail.
NO PHYSICAL CONTACT, with the exception of barrel tags or assistance to players.
Do not shoot at ANY field animals, wildlife, referees, or support vehicles.
If a player is eliminated, they are to call out, "Hit, hit, hit", raise their gun in the air, place a dead rag on their head or gun, and return to one of the assigned safe zones. If a player does not have a dead rag they are to keep their hands over their head until they reach a dead zone.
Players may immediately re-enter the game after they reach a dead zone. These rules are modified if a player wants to use a Medic (See Medic Rules)
*Surrenders: If a player gets within 20' of an opposing player and they do not see them it is recommended that the approaching player call for their opponent to surrender. If the player that is approached does not wish to surrender then both players may engage each other.
A 10-foot minimal engagement distance when possible is advised. However please note that many engagements will occur in trench lines and buildings.
*Barrel Tag: A "barrel" tag is when someone sneaks up on an opposing player and taps them with their hand (not barrel) and they are out. Simple touching the player and telling them they are out is sufficient. If a successful barrel tag occurs YOU CANNOT TURN AND FIRE.
*Bunker Tags: To avoid point blank player engagements OPERATION REDRUM will have bunker tags. A bunker tag occurs when a player from one side wishes to eliminate players from the opposing team that are inside of a structure or behind a barricade.
To eliminate the players in the structure or behind a barricade all a player needs to do is tap onto the outside of the bunker or structure and yell, "Bunker Tag" Any players inside the structure or behind the barricade are then deemed eliminated.
Bunker tags may only be used when engaging man-made structures with a orange diamond painted on them. In addition to the standard safety protocols, players need to know that referees will be on hand to monitor game activity. Rule violations will be addressed on a case-by-case basis by game staff.
*Grenades and Smoke: Only CO2 type grenades are allowed. Cold burn smokes are allowed with the exception of the color YELLOW At this time only thunder bee type grenades are allowed.
*Rules Violations: This game will be governed by the play hard, play fair moto. Players that intentionally overshoot, fail to call hits, or refuse to go to a designated dead zone when hit may, at the referee’s discretion receive a warning. A warning will consist of a verbal reprimand and called into game control. Two warnings WILL result in player ejection.
Flagrant or malicious rules violations will be addressed immediately and may also result in a player ejection. If a player has an on-field disagreement with another player about rules or general gameplay that can't immediately be worked out the parties involved will bring it to a referee.
Referees will make all calls regarding violations and game-related decisions. In the field referee calls are final. If a player has a problem with a referee's decision, they are not to argue with the referee, they are to bring the matter to the game producer. Unless overwhelming evidence to change a decision is presented the call in the field will stand.
This section will cover operational game play. Topic will include initial deployment, missions, attacking and defending of bases and strategic evacuation.
*Initial Deployment 30 minutes before the game start players will be allowed to enter the field. Once players have entered the field, they are to report to their home flag station. Once at the flag station the commanders and ref staff will make sure that ALL players are properly marked with arm tape.
When the ref at that location is satisfied that players are properly marked, they may set up defensive positions. When taking the field players will NOT be allowed to wander from their home base to do "recon" prior to game start. Players may deploy anywhere in the vicinity of their flag station as long as they are within 50 feet of their team's home base flag station when the game starts.
Once the game starts players are free to engage in offensive and defensive operations. During the game, players may deploy anywhere on the field unless directed otherwise by game control or a field referee.
*Base Count/Mission Drops: All home base counts will be recorded at the top of the hour at 11AM, 12PM, 1PM, 2PM, 3PM, 4PM and 5PM. Most mission drops will occur at the top of the hour. Mission counts will occur at the top of the hour as well. Mission time limits will vary between 45 to 60 minutes. Mission time limits are based on the complexity and difficulty of the mission. Time limits will be given at the time of the mission drop.
*Mission Drop Procedure: All missions will be delivered at game control. Game control will be a neutral off-field location evenly spaced between the two entry points. Missions will be given to the Generals or designated representative in a sealed envelope. Once a mission drop occurs game control will call the commanders and advise them that a mission drop is in progress. The envelopes will contain instructions on what is expected and how mission success will be gauged.
Some missions will require the opposing teams to attack and hold a specific field flag station or location selected by the producer. Some missions will require the teams to complete specific objective-based tasks.
For certain missions, additional instructions or "Intel" will be provided in the mission envelope. The provided Intel needs to be evaluated. The General must then decide how he will deploy his forces and or if issued equipment is needed.
For missions that require a team to hold a specific flag station or location the winner of that mission will be determined by the team that has the flag station placard flipped to their corresponding team color OR the team that has physical control of the objective location when the mission time expires. Field referees make the final decision on whether a mission is completed and by what team. All non-flag station missions will be identical in nature for both teams.
Game Props OPERATION REDRUM will feature various mission-specific props. Any producer-controlled units will be referred to as "Green Forces." Props may include smoke, pyrotechnics, game-related items, minefields, people or in some cases producer-controlled armor units.
Minefields must have 3 points of contact and must connect back to the main starting point. Minefields must be set up and/or taken down by an engineer with an engineer card. Any other players who touch this minefield will be considered eliminated and will have to return to a dead zone.
*Attacking/Defending Base: Since this is an attack/defend game opposing teams will be required to defend their home base from attack. In addition to defending their base, generals are allowed to organize attacks on their opponent's home base. Generals will need to weigh the risk/reward before launching an attack on an enemy base.
It should be noted that merely taking an enemy's base does not guarantee points. Unless otherwise specified if a base is taken the attacking force MUST possess the base at the top of the hour in order to score points.
*Strategic Evacuation: If a base is successfully attacked opposing forces (including tanks) will not be allowed to permanently occupy an opponent's home base. If an enemy base is taken it can only be held until the top of the hour. If the base is taken and held until the top of the hour 100 points will be awarded to the attacking force.
After the base count is recorded a "Strategic Evacuation" will be implemented. A Strategic Evacuation exists to not only reward success but to maintain a steady game flow and promote a sense of fair play.
The concept of a Strategic Evacuation is simple. It rewards success while ensuring fair game play. Points are awarded to the attacking force for mounting a successful assault, while also allowing the defending team a fair opportunity to recover and get back in the game.
During a Strategic Evacuation, the attacking force will be given the points for securing the base at the top of the hour. Then after the points are awarded the attacking force will be required to immediately withdraw from the occupied base. Attacking Players and tanks will be required to relocate to any nearby base that their team holds or is open.
Strategic Evacuation Example: If the "Blue" team takes Bravo and holds it for a top of the hour base count a Strategic Evacuation will be called. During the evacuation, the Blue team will be required to vacate the base. The Blue team can return to their home base OR relocate to other bases such as Rex, OP Alpha, Luke, or any other location not occupied by opposing team forces.
The same would go for the "Red" team. If the Red team secures SimCity for a base count they would be required to vacate that base at the top of the hour. Red team forces can relocate to their home base OR to other bases such as Rex, Alpha, OP Alpha or any other location not occupied by opposing team forces.
Referees will supervise and enforce any Strategic Evacuation to make sure that the event is done in a timely manner. Failure to adhere to a game called strategic evacuation MAY result in the attacking force forfeiting the points received for taking the base. If forfeiture of points occurs both generals will be advised.
Medic Rules
In OPERATION REDRUM each team will be allowed one (1) medic. A medic is identified as a player that will be allowed to "heal" injured players. Medics will be issued a specialty player card. These cards are non-transferable.
Only the commanding general may designate a player a Medic. Medics will work as follows: Medics will be issued a hole punch. Each player will have three (3) Medic slots on their player card. If a player is hit by a BB they are to either go back to a dead zone OR they may call for a medic.
If a player wants to call for a Medic the player needs to sit or lay down where hit and call out "MEDIC" There is a 3 minutes "bleed out" time for the Medic to get to the player. When a Medic makes contact with a "wounded" player the Medic will punch one of the three medic slots on the playercard. Once "healed" the player may resume playing.
A player can only use a Medic THREE times, so players must consider carefully when they want to use that option. Once a player's Medic slots are used then they are no longer eligible to use a Medic. If a player is hit again the player must walk back to a dead zone for the remainder of the game before resuming play.
OPERATION REDRUM will feature a weapons armory. At the beginning of the game each side will be afforded an opportunity to secure a weapons cache that will include special weapons.
Items in the weapons armory include:
*AIRSTRIKES: Two (2) strikes per side. An airstrike . is a mass casualty weapon that destroys anything within 50 feet of any designated location. Airstrikes can take out armor, bunkers, and personnel
*NAPALM RUN: One (1) strike per side. Napalm is a mass casualty weapon that will consist of a yellow smoke that can be deployed at any designated location. Napalm has no specific effective range. Napalm will be deployed by a ref who will “run’ the smoke through the target area to inflict maximum casualties. Tanks, bunkers, and personnel may be destroyed. There is no defense to napalm
TANKS: Each side will have one (1) tank. Tanks must meet all CDWC safety requirements. Before the game tanks may enter the field at 9:15. Tanks must report to their home base. They are to be positioned at least 50 feet behind their flag station at “Game on” near game control and must be ready to roll at game start.
Satchel Charges: One (1) A satchel charge can be used to destroy a tank, bunker or the Ares soldier. For a satchel charge to destroy a building or a tank the satchel charge must make contact with the target. Satchel charges are one shot items. After use the satchel charge must be brought back to game control. It can then be “recharged”
If a satchel charge is used and it has been determined that it was not properly re-charged a 50 points penalty will be assessed on the team improperly using the satchel charge.
• Airstrikes and Napalm Runs must be called into Game Control using the Official Game Map. To call in an airstrike/napalm attack a grid square, specific location or specific object and its location must be identified. Flight time on an airstrike is normally 3-5 minutes
PROJECT ARES: Project Ares is a prototype super soldier with superior firepower, but limited control. The Ares soldier is immune to most weapons fire. He will be heavily armored and equipped with an LMG or mini-gun. The Ares soldier will fire on anything in its path. The Ares soldier can only be killed by a “barrel tag” with a satchel charge. If a player successfully eliminates Ares with a satchel charge, points will be awarded to that side (See Scoring)
Tanks/Personnel: There may be producer-controlled personnel and armor on the field for certain missions. All producer-controlled armor will be referred to as “GREEN FORCES” All Green Forces units may be knocked out or killed the same as other units.
Tank and AT Rules
Each team is allotted one (1) tank and two (2) anti-tank/AT players. AT players will receive a specialty card issued by the commanding general. Only the commanding general can designate an AT player. Tanks and anti-tank launchers will be governed by Fulda Gap rules unless otherwise noted.
Tanks may take out other tanks and any "Orange Diamond" marked bunker. Any player inside an Orange Diamond bunker when hit by a rocket is declared dead.
When in action all tanks must have a raised color flag attached to the tank. The flag must correspond with the tank's team color. If tanks are hit, they are to remove their colored flag and raise a white flag and immediately leave the field via their designated spawn point. RED tanks must spawn out of the DZ8 area. Blue tanks must spawn out of the DZ4 area.
Once off the field tanks can respawn after 10 minutes. Tanks may NOT be used to assist in the transportation of mission-related props, equipment, and or personnel in any way.
AT launchers must be Nerf rocket style platforms that are at least 36 inches in length. Tanks can only be taken out by a direct shot from another tank, a direct impact of a satchel charge, or a "rear shot" from an AT Gunner. A rear shot is considered any direct shot that hits the back portion of the tank. Indirect or "skip" shots will not count. There will be no rocket limit on how many rockets an AT gunner may carry on to the field. Additional rocket supplies may be stored on the field for future use.
In addition to taking out other tanks AT launchers, and tankers may take out any "Orange Diamond" marked bunker. Any player inside an Orange Diamond bunker when hit by a rocket is declared dead. Tanks can be used to attack or defend locations at the general's discretion.
20 Foot Tank Safety Zone. A 20-foot safety zone will be enforced for OPERATION REDRUM. The safety zone exists for safety purposes alone. The zone will be enforced by field referees. Any player that approaches a tank and is within the safety zone is subject to being called out by game refs.
Game staff will make every effort to usher players away from tanks. Only game staff may call players out for violations of the safety zone. Throughout the game players are encouraged to look out for each other where tanks are in play. If players believe that a violation is occurring then they should warn the players to stay clear of the tank and inform game staff.
There may be circumstances where players will be within the 20-foot safety zone but are not in violation of the safety protocol. Exceptions to the 20-foot safety rule are as follows:
*Players who approach a stopped tank when the tank crew knows that they are approaching.
*Players that are clearly off the roadways and are positioned behind trees, barriers or other solid objects and are in no danger of injury.
*AT Players who are in the process of engaging a tank (safely), claiming a kill.
*Players inside structures.
Each team will get one (1) engineer card, this is a non-transferable card. This player is the only play that can Move, set up and take down mine fields. If ANY other player touches a set up minefield they are dead and must return to their DZ. After a minefield is used/destroyed the engineer MUST bring the minefield to GAME CONTROL to be recharged.
*A minefield when set up must makes three (3) point of contact (trees, limbs, posts, structure legs ect) AND connect back to itself.
All players will receive a playercard at registration. The Playercard has a player's revives, and players warnings. Without this wristband you will NOT be allowed to enter the field.
If you lose your playercard it CAN be replaced at the store for a FEE.
Unless otherwise noted scoring is as follows:
Successfully held home base counts will be scored at 100 points every hour. Mission points will score at 100 points per mission. Select missions may be “partially” completed and a reduced point total will be awarded based on the level of success on such missions. In those cases the mission parameters will explained in the mission package. Securing an enemy's base will be scored at 100 points per successful attack.
Project Ares Scoring: Ares will roam the filed throughout the day. He is meant to be a menace and an opportunity to score extra points for your side. If Ares is successfully killed with a barrel tag satchel charge 50 points will be awarded to side that makes the kill. NOTE: The Ares Soldier alone will be the sole determining factor as to if a “kill” was successful. The team that has the highest points at the end of the final base count will be declared the winner.
* If another tie occurs the winner will be determined by a coin toss.
Game Overview/Rule Set
The objective of the game is for each team to defend their home base while simultaneously preparing to take random flag stations or complete other game objectives. The game will combine hourly home base counts coupled with hourly mission drops.
The game will pit the Red Forces against a Blue Forces
The "Blue Forces" will base out of SIM City. DZ4 be the Blue Forces primary respawn location. DZ5 will be a secondary respawn.
The "Red Forces" will base out of BRAVO. DZ8 will be the Red Forces primary respawn location. DZ2 will be the secondary respawn
BOTH teams must start the game at their HOMEBASE:
- BLUE: Sim City or DZ4
- RED: Bravo or DZ8
General Game Play Safety
*Eye Wear: While on the field of play all players MUST wear approved eye protection. FULL SEAL NON-MESH SAFETY GOGGLES must be worn by anyone in the playing field and chronograph/target range at all time. Only ASTM Goggle systems specifically approved for paintball that provide full face and ear protection, or full seal ASTM goggles for airsoft are allowed. Eye protection may only be removed in dead zones and when a player exits the field. * ANYONE UNDER THE AGE OF 18 MUST WEAR A PAINTBALL MASK *
*Chrono: Chrono is set as follows; All airsoft platforms must chrono at 1.55 Jouls with .32g bbs.
OPERATION REDRUM (AIRSOFT) Sniper Chrono – 2.28 Jouls with .32g Snipers must be bolt action only Snipers cannot engage indoors. Snipers are governed by a 100ft MED.
FPS will be checked by a referee or staff member before play. A gun may be checked at random during the course of the day, even during play.
Launchers/AT: 230 fps max.
Player Engagement: For OPERATION REDRUM standard Command Decisions airsoft safety rules will be in effect. Safety and fair play are the top priorities in this game. Aggressive play is encouraged, but in the end, sportsmanship must prevail.
NO PHYSICAL CONTACT, with the exception of barrel tags or assistance to players.
Do not shoot at ANY field animals, wildlife, referees, or support vehicles.
If a player is eliminated, they are to call out, "Hit, hit, hit", raise their gun in the air, place a dead rag on their head or gun, and return to one of the assigned safe zones. If a player does not have a dead rag they are to keep their hands over their head until they reach a dead zone.
Players may immediately re-enter the game after they reach a dead zone. These rules are modified if a player wants to use a Medic (See Medic Rules)
*Surrenders: If a player gets within 20' of an opposing player and they do not see them it is recommended that the approaching player call for their opponent to surrender. If the player that is approached does not wish to surrender then both players may engage each other.
A 10-foot minimal engagement distance when possible is advised. However please note that many engagements will occur in trench lines and buildings.
*Barrel Tag: A "barrel" tag is when someone sneaks up on an opposing player and taps them with their hand (not barrel) and they are out. Simple touching the player and telling them they are out is sufficient. If a successful barrel tag occurs YOU CANNOT TURN AND FIRE.
*Bunker Tags: To avoid point blank player engagements OPERATION REDRUM will have bunker tags. A bunker tag occurs when a player from one side wishes to eliminate players from the opposing team that are inside of a structure or behind a barricade.
To eliminate the players in the structure or behind a barricade all a player needs to do is tap onto the outside of the bunker or structure and yell, "Bunker Tag" Any players inside the structure or behind the barricade are then deemed eliminated.
Bunker tags may only be used when engaging man-made structures with a orange diamond painted on them. In addition to the standard safety protocols, players need to know that referees will be on hand to monitor game activity. Rule violations will be addressed on a case-by-case basis by game staff.
*Grenades and Smoke: Only CO2 type grenades are allowed. Cold burn smokes are allowed with the exception of the color YELLOW At this time only thunder bee type grenades are allowed.
*Rules Violations: This game will be governed by the play hard, play fair moto. Players that intentionally overshoot, fail to call hits, or refuse to go to a designated dead zone when hit may, at the referee’s discretion receive a warning. A warning will consist of a verbal reprimand and called into game control. Two warnings WILL result in player ejection.
Flagrant or malicious rules violations will be addressed immediately and may also result in a player ejection. If a player has an on-field disagreement with another player about rules or general gameplay that can't immediately be worked out the parties involved will bring it to a referee.
Referees will make all calls regarding violations and game-related decisions. In the field referee calls are final. If a player has a problem with a referee's decision, they are not to argue with the referee, they are to bring the matter to the game producer. Unless overwhelming evidence to change a decision is presented the call in the field will stand.
This section will cover operational game play. Topic will include initial deployment, missions, attacking and defending of bases and strategic evacuation.
*Initial Deployment 30 minutes before the game start players will be allowed to enter the field. Once players have entered the field, they are to report to their home flag station. Once at the flag station the commanders and ref staff will make sure that ALL players are properly marked with arm tape.
When the ref at that location is satisfied that players are properly marked, they may set up defensive positions. When taking the field players will NOT be allowed to wander from their home base to do "recon" prior to game start. Players may deploy anywhere in the vicinity of their flag station as long as they are within 50 feet of their team's home base flag station when the game starts.
Once the game starts players are free to engage in offensive and defensive operations. During the game, players may deploy anywhere on the field unless directed otherwise by game control or a field referee.
*Base Count/Mission Drops: All home base counts will be recorded at the top of the hour at 11AM, 12PM, 1PM, 2PM, 3PM, 4PM and 5PM. Most mission drops will occur at the top of the hour. Mission counts will occur at the top of the hour as well. Mission time limits will vary between 45 to 60 minutes. Mission time limits are based on the complexity and difficulty of the mission. Time limits will be given at the time of the mission drop.
*Mission Drop Procedure: All missions will be delivered at game control. Game control will be a neutral off-field location evenly spaced between the two entry points. Missions will be given to the Generals or designated representative in a sealed envelope. Once a mission drop occurs game control will call the commanders and advise them that a mission drop is in progress. The envelopes will contain instructions on what is expected and how mission success will be gauged.
Some missions will require the opposing teams to attack and hold a specific field flag station or location selected by the producer. Some missions will require the teams to complete specific objective-based tasks.
For certain missions, additional instructions or "Intel" will be provided in the mission envelope. The provided Intel needs to be evaluated. The General must then decide how he will deploy his forces and or if issued equipment is needed.
For missions that require a team to hold a specific flag station or location the winner of that mission will be determined by the team that has the flag station placard flipped to their corresponding team color OR the team that has physical control of the objective location when the mission time expires. Field referees make the final decision on whether a mission is completed and by what team. All non-flag station missions will be identical in nature for both teams.
Game Props OPERATION REDRUM will feature various mission-specific props. Any producer-controlled units will be referred to as "Green Forces." Props may include smoke, pyrotechnics, game-related items, minefields, people or in some cases producer-controlled armor units.
Minefields must have 3 points of contact and must connect back to the main starting point. Minefields must be set up and/or taken down by an engineer with an engineer card. Any other players who touch this minefield will be considered eliminated and will have to return to a dead zone.
*Attacking/Defending Base: Since this is an attack/defend game opposing teams will be required to defend their home base from attack. In addition to defending their base, generals are allowed to organize attacks on their opponent's home base. Generals will need to weigh the risk/reward before launching an attack on an enemy base.
It should be noted that merely taking an enemy's base does not guarantee points. Unless otherwise specified if a base is taken the attacking force MUST possess the base at the top of the hour in order to score points.
*Strategic Evacuation: If a base is successfully attacked opposing forces (including tanks) will not be allowed to permanently occupy an opponent's home base. If an enemy base is taken it can only be held until the top of the hour. If the base is taken and held until the top of the hour 100 points will be awarded to the attacking force.
After the base count is recorded a "Strategic Evacuation" will be implemented. A Strategic Evacuation exists to not only reward success but to maintain a steady game flow and promote a sense of fair play.
The concept of a Strategic Evacuation is simple. It rewards success while ensuring fair game play. Points are awarded to the attacking force for mounting a successful assault, while also allowing the defending team a fair opportunity to recover and get back in the game.
During a Strategic Evacuation, the attacking force will be given the points for securing the base at the top of the hour. Then after the points are awarded the attacking force will be required to immediately withdraw from the occupied base. Attacking Players and tanks will be required to relocate to any nearby base that their team holds or is open.
Strategic Evacuation Example: If the "Blue" team takes Bravo and holds it for a top of the hour base count a Strategic Evacuation will be called. During the evacuation, the Blue team will be required to vacate the base. The Blue team can return to their home base OR relocate to other bases such as Rex, OP Alpha, Luke, or any other location not occupied by opposing team forces.
The same would go for the "Red" team. If the Red team secures SimCity for a base count they would be required to vacate that base at the top of the hour. Red team forces can relocate to their home base OR to other bases such as Rex, Alpha, OP Alpha or any other location not occupied by opposing team forces.
Referees will supervise and enforce any Strategic Evacuation to make sure that the event is done in a timely manner. Failure to adhere to a game called strategic evacuation MAY result in the attacking force forfeiting the points received for taking the base. If forfeiture of points occurs both generals will be advised.
Medic Rules
In OPERATION REDRUM each team will be allowed one (1) medic. A medic is identified as a player that will be allowed to "heal" injured players. Medics will be issued a specialty player card. These cards are non-transferable.
Only the commanding general may designate a player a Medic. Medics will work as follows: Medics will be issued a hole punch. Each player will have three (3) Medic slots on their player card. If a player is hit by a BB they are to either go back to a dead zone OR they may call for a medic.
If a player wants to call for a Medic the player needs to sit or lay down where hit and call out "MEDIC" There is a 3 minutes "bleed out" time for the Medic to get to the player. When a Medic makes contact with a "wounded" player the Medic will punch one of the three medic slots on the playercard. Once "healed" the player may resume playing.
A player can only use a Medic THREE times, so players must consider carefully when they want to use that option. Once a player's Medic slots are used then they are no longer eligible to use a Medic. If a player is hit again the player must walk back to a dead zone for the remainder of the game before resuming play.
OPERATION REDRUM will feature a weapons armory. At the beginning of the game each side will be afforded an opportunity to secure a weapons cache that will include special weapons.
Items in the weapons armory include:
*AIRSTRIKES: Two (2) strikes per side. An airstrike . is a mass casualty weapon that destroys anything within 50 feet of any designated location. Airstrikes can take out armor, bunkers, and personnel
*NAPALM RUN: One (1) strike per side. Napalm is a mass casualty weapon that will consist of a yellow smoke that can be deployed at any designated location. Napalm has no specific effective range. Napalm will be deployed by a ref who will “run’ the smoke through the target area to inflict maximum casualties. Tanks, bunkers, and personnel may be destroyed. There is no defense to napalm
TANKS: Each side will have one (1) tank. Tanks must meet all CDWC safety requirements. Before the game tanks may enter the field at 9:15. Tanks must report to their home base. They are to be positioned at least 50 feet behind their flag station at “Game on” near game control and must be ready to roll at game start.
Satchel Charges: One (1) A satchel charge can be used to destroy a tank, bunker or the Ares soldier. For a satchel charge to destroy a building or a tank the satchel charge must make contact with the target. Satchel charges are one shot items. After use the satchel charge must be brought back to game control. It can then be “recharged”
If a satchel charge is used and it has been determined that it was not properly re-charged a 50 points penalty will be assessed on the team improperly using the satchel charge.
• Airstrikes and Napalm Runs must be called into Game Control using the Official Game Map. To call in an airstrike/napalm attack a grid square, specific location or specific object and its location must be identified. Flight time on an airstrike is normally 3-5 minutes
PROJECT ARES: Project Ares is a prototype super soldier with superior firepower, but limited control. The Ares soldier is immune to most weapons fire. He will be heavily armored and equipped with an LMG or mini-gun. The Ares soldier will fire on anything in its path. The Ares soldier can only be killed by a “barrel tag” with a satchel charge. If a player successfully eliminates Ares with a satchel charge, points will be awarded to that side (See Scoring)
Tanks/Personnel: There may be producer-controlled personnel and armor on the field for certain missions. All producer-controlled armor will be referred to as “GREEN FORCES” All Green Forces units may be knocked out or killed the same as other units.
Tank and AT Rules
Each team is allotted one (1) tank and two (2) anti-tank/AT players. AT players will receive a specialty card issued by the commanding general. Only the commanding general can designate an AT player. Tanks and anti-tank launchers will be governed by Fulda Gap rules unless otherwise noted.
Tanks may take out other tanks and any "Orange Diamond" marked bunker. Any player inside an Orange Diamond bunker when hit by a rocket is declared dead.
When in action all tanks must have a raised color flag attached to the tank. The flag must correspond with the tank's team color. If tanks are hit, they are to remove their colored flag and raise a white flag and immediately leave the field via their designated spawn point. RED tanks must spawn out of the DZ8 area. Blue tanks must spawn out of the DZ4 area.
Once off the field tanks can respawn after 10 minutes. Tanks may NOT be used to assist in the transportation of mission-related props, equipment, and or personnel in any way.
AT launchers must be Nerf rocket style platforms that are at least 36 inches in length. Tanks can only be taken out by a direct shot from another tank, a direct impact of a satchel charge, or a "rear shot" from an AT Gunner. A rear shot is considered any direct shot that hits the back portion of the tank. Indirect or "skip" shots will not count. There will be no rocket limit on how many rockets an AT gunner may carry on to the field. Additional rocket supplies may be stored on the field for future use.
In addition to taking out other tanks AT launchers, and tankers may take out any "Orange Diamond" marked bunker. Any player inside an Orange Diamond bunker when hit by a rocket is declared dead. Tanks can be used to attack or defend locations at the general's discretion.
20 Foot Tank Safety Zone. A 20-foot safety zone will be enforced for OPERATION REDRUM. The safety zone exists for safety purposes alone. The zone will be enforced by field referees. Any player that approaches a tank and is within the safety zone is subject to being called out by game refs.
Game staff will make every effort to usher players away from tanks. Only game staff may call players out for violations of the safety zone. Throughout the game players are encouraged to look out for each other where tanks are in play. If players believe that a violation is occurring then they should warn the players to stay clear of the tank and inform game staff.
There may be circumstances where players will be within the 20-foot safety zone but are not in violation of the safety protocol. Exceptions to the 20-foot safety rule are as follows:
*Players who approach a stopped tank when the tank crew knows that they are approaching.
*Players that are clearly off the roadways and are positioned behind trees, barriers or other solid objects and are in no danger of injury.
*AT Players who are in the process of engaging a tank (safely), claiming a kill.
*Players inside structures.
Each team will get one (1) engineer card, this is a non-transferable card. This player is the only play that can Move, set up and take down mine fields. If ANY other player touches a set up minefield they are dead and must return to their DZ. After a minefield is used/destroyed the engineer MUST bring the minefield to GAME CONTROL to be recharged.
*A minefield when set up must makes three (3) point of contact (trees, limbs, posts, structure legs ect) AND connect back to itself.
All players will receive a playercard at registration. The Playercard has a player's revives, and players warnings. Without this wristband you will NOT be allowed to enter the field.
If you lose your playercard it CAN be replaced at the store for a FEE.
Unless otherwise noted scoring is as follows:
Successfully held home base counts will be scored at 100 points every hour. Mission points will score at 100 points per mission. Select missions may be “partially” completed and a reduced point total will be awarded based on the level of success on such missions. In those cases the mission parameters will explained in the mission package. Securing an enemy's base will be scored at 100 points per successful attack.
Project Ares Scoring: Ares will roam the filed throughout the day. He is meant to be a menace and an opportunity to score extra points for your side. If Ares is successfully killed with a barrel tag satchel charge 50 points will be awarded to side that makes the kill. NOTE: The Ares Soldier alone will be the sole determining factor as to if a “kill” was successful. The team that has the highest points at the end of the final base count will be declared the winner.
* If another tie occurs the winner will be determined by a coin toss.